Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Efficient Wireless Power Transfer Through Magnetic...

Imagine a situation where no electrical device has to be plugged into a wall. In this case, a laptop or cell phone can charge itself easily and seamlessly just by being placing inside a room. This is the ability of many experimental wireless power devices that will be adapted to domestic use in the future. Today, the prevailing methods of energy transfer are wires and batteries. Wired connections are perhaps the most common. With this energy transfer method, energy is delivered from a power plant to a home. In the case of batteries, energy is stored as chemical energy in the battery cell. Once it is needed, the chemical energy can be released as electrical energy. However, both these methods have flaws. Both suffer from mild inefficiency†¦show more content†¦This process eliminates the use of wires between the transmitter and receiver therefore making it wireless. For example, solar power is essentially radiative wireless energy transfer. The sun is the transmitter, the phot ovoltaic solar cell is the receiver, and the sunlight is a high frequency electromagnetic wave (Little et al.). The process can be adapted for everyday use if electricity is transformed into light by a light source and then absorbed by a photocell that transforms the light back into electricity. However, due to issues with efficiency, this application will never be practical unless a more efficient solar cell is developed. Of course, the efficiency can be increased if a focused beam of light is used instead, but this still lags far behind compared to the efficiency of a standard wired connection. For home use, this method is impractical, but in other fields, its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. Radiative energy transfer has many advantages and disadvantages. A distinct disadvantage that makes this method impractical for home use is that the transfer can affect other objects and requires that no object blocks the space between the receiver and transmitter (Kurs et al.). With this in mind, there are a number of things to be concerned about. First, it requires that no object blocks the line of sight between the receiver and the transmitter. Second, efficiency isShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Electricity On Our Lives1679 Words   |  7 Pagescurrent can create a magnetic field [3]. The combination of magnetic fields and electrical currents creates extremely fast waves of energy called electromagnetic radiation that can be seen in such forms as light, radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays [3]. At the United States Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory, a high-performance magnet alloy has been designed that can operate with good magnetic strength and actually helps make ele ctric drive motors be more cost effective and efficient [4]. 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