Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis and your opinions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis and your opinions - Essay Example Yet, he is the one to produce conscious moral difference between good and evil. Uncontrollable and shameless desires make him insane eventually and that is the main point Socrates presents in his theory. Callicles also elaborated a philosophical notion for us, desires if satisfied can generate happiness and if they can not satisfy some of the desires or wishes then power produces insanity. The insanity to attain the unattainable by any means and this perspective is guilt proof, which produces further fantasy based ideas. Gaddafi would be called a servant of his desire, who would jump from one desire to the other to gain happiness and would eventually end up being more frustrated instead of contended. The logic I comprehend in this response is that happiness is neither linked to power nor to the achievement of desires. Secondly, soul or morality of a person defines his comprehension of justified acts. When one person has dissuaded his soul with persistent torturing and violent acts, how would he be able to feel joy or pleasure and when he will not be able to feel it, he will indulge in more devilish acts to attain the sentiment of happiness. Student 2: The desire is the main criteria of measuring the evilness of the dictator. Illicit sexual desires and advances also lead to illegal attainment of such pleasures. Again, when such actions are taken by a person he never gets enough of it, the desire increases and the spiral (of desires) against him gets

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