Saturday, February 29, 2020

An Analysis of the Rampant Food Waste America Produce

An Analysis of the Rampant Food Waste America Produce In my opinion the relationship between America and food is horrendous. Yes, throughout the states and different regions of America there are many takes on food, transforming it into creative and tasteful dishes. Maybe garnished with a sprig of some fancy tree that you’re not going to eat because who eats that junk? So, like many other foods, the garnish is thrown out and wasted. The wastefulness of our modern society branches out all through industries such as fast food, markets, and restaurants.Countless times fast food restaurants dump out food that was not sold: burgers, fries, chicken nuggets. All this food which was still edible is discarded. To think we could have still used this food or given it to someone who needed it, but rather kept it from them and took away the chance of anyone using it seems monstrous, but hey, that’s America. Everything revolves around some form of profit, so theres no time to get rid of that food for free. On the other side of fast food restaurants, there are the top of the line restaurants who work more on the aesthetic side of their food rather than the quality and taste which begins to create a sort of expectation from the people. We want our food to be flawless, and satisfy our eyes. There can be no burnt pieces of meat, no discolored pieces of ripe fruit, nothing that we see as flawed, and if it is, then its thrown out and wasted. So as we have the fast food restaurants literally just throwing out food, we have our top of the line restaurants shaping how we view good and bad food which ultimately leads us to also end up throwing out food. Not only do these top of the line restaurants influence how we view good food, but the agribusinesses as well, such as Walmart. We walk into a store and see an extreme abundance of colorful fruits and vegetables yet that does not phase us, although a majority of those fruits and vegetable wont be bought because of some small flaw which doesnt really affect anything about them. We take this abundance of food for granted and rather than actually having the thought of buying food for our own sustenance, we have the thought of buying the best looking fruit. So instead of buying those 5 apples which all have flaws, we choose not to buy them and ultimately they get wasted, just like so many other foods that we take for granted in America.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Global investment house ksc Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Global investment house ksc - Assignment Example The income statement on the other hand focuses on the period, usually 12 months within which the accounts were prepared. However, the information about what happened in the past years and the asset and liability position does not provide all the needs of all the users of the financial statements. There is the need for some further information and guidelines that provides hints to users of financial statements and other interested stakeholders. One of the main areas that is of great importance is a prediction of the survivability of the business into the foreseeable future. This is known in general as the â€Å"Going Concern† convention. In the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), there is a standard that ensures that going concern is reported in the financial statement. IAS 1 requires that financial statements a disclose the Going Concern status of the entity in a given period. This provides a standardized basis for a universal approach to reporting going concer n that can aid comparability on a year-by-year basis as well as a company-to-company basis. Research Problem Clearly, Going Concern reporting as stipulated by IAS 1 seeks to ensure that financial statements reflect the survivability of the entity the report is prepared about. ... Aims and Objectives of Study The aim of the research is to undertake a critical review of the concept of Going Concern and how it is attained in Financial Reporting. In order to attain this end, the following objectives will be explored: 1. A critical review literature review of the Accounting concept of Going Concern; 2. An examination of the effectiveness of Going Concern reporting in businesses; 3. A practical evaluation of Going Concern reporting in a Kuwaiti entity 4. An analysis of a financial report of a Kuwaiti entity to ascertain the Going Concern reporting procedures. Going Concern Convention â€Å"The going concern postulate or continuity postulation, holds that business entity will continue its operations long enough to realize its projects, commitments and ongoing activities† (Riahi, 2010 p212). Going concern is therefore a convention which indicates that a business will continue to remain operational and pay its bills and remain liquid into the future. â€Å"Goi ng concern is not only about the net book value of a firm's assets, but also such elements like goodwill and likely future profitability, assuming the existing management remain in control of the entity† (Brower and Brueschke, 2012). This means that going concern is evaluated and analyzed by the examination of the firm's assets as well as other indicators of continuous operations. Thus, it will involve the hard and soft elements of an entity including the assets and other intangibles like going concern which provides clues on how a firm will remain operational even if the company is assured of getting customers to remain liquid. Another angle through which a business' going concern can be evaluated is â€Å"...the amount of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

SWOT analysis is deeply flawed and should not be applied as a modern Essay - 1

SWOT analysis is deeply flawed and should not be applied as a modern marketing tool - Essay Example These include evaluating the progress of the existing strategy (Aaker, 2001, p.18). Evaluation should be done from a qualitative perspective such evaluation of completeness, internal consistency, rationale and the suitability. More so, quantities point of view should be put into consideration including the strategic and financial outcomes for the strategy (Sanchez and Heene, 2010, p.11). With stronger company’s overall performance, there is no need for changes. Secondly, the evaluation is important because company’s competitive capabilities and the core competencies are identified. The capabilities which are most logical lay a foundation for company’s achievement (Aaker, 2001, p.19). The most strategic competences are competitive rare and hard to imitate or to find substitute. Previously, a good strategy to size up company’s resource strength was the SWOT analysis. It is powerful in determining the company’s strengths and competitive deficiencies, opportunities and other external threats empowering its future (Thompson, Strickland and Gamble, 2010, p.10). However, recent investigation has pointed out some weakness in SWOT analysis. Despite the longevity and extensive use of the analysis in firms and classrooms, SWOT analysis has been shown to yield misleading consequences that some of the authors have advised scrapping it (Smith, 2006, p.2). DOE analyzes the firms system resulting to better information when surveying internal and external nexus (Valentin, 2005 p.54). The paper addresses the intrinsic worth of SWOT analysis framework. SWOT analysis is a criteria used to define business internal context in terms of strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. It provides strategic insight of a business to fragment facts and figures for effective planning. Such superior and strategic approach enhances competitive advantage to a firm (Smith, 2006, p.4; Valentin 2005, p 53). Organization strengths include all the skills